The Media Finally Catches On That Democrats Are Running The Better Senate...
Don't look now, but even the mainstream corporate controlled media are catching on that Democrats are running more effective Senate campaigns than Republicans.
View ArticleMitch McConnell Ad Backfires and Exposes His Empty Reelection Campaign About...
Mitch McConnell goes bumper sticker slogan and dogs to avoid talking about his secretive policy agenda.
View ArticleMitch McConnell Resorts to Lying to Win, Claims ‘Nobody Wants to Privatize...
While casting himself as the "change" candidate after 30 years of the same old same old, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) then denied that he had ever said diddly-squat about privatizing Social Security.
View ArticleMitch McConnell Admits That Obamacare is Here to Stay Even if GOP Captures...
Following Obamacare's bumpy rollout, the GOP expected to campaign on a platform of repeal, repeal, repeal. However, as Americans have come to embrace much of the Affordable Care Act in substance, if...
View ArticleAlison Lundergan Grimes Is Unfazed By New Polls And Confident In Kentucky Voters
In the face of polls that show them trailing, the campaign of Alison Lundergan Grimes is unfazed by the media talk and focused on Election Day.
View ArticleMitch McConnell and Joni Ernst Are Desperate To Conceal Their Koch Connections
Apparently Republican corruption has reached such a level that blatant lying and obvious violation of campaign disclosure laws is part and parcel of what it means to be a Republican; at least a...
View ArticleAlison Lundergan Grimes and Kentuckians Swamped by Corporate Dark Money
The Kentucky Opportunity Coalition's millions of dollars represents the method by which we have had our democracy co-opted by big money
View ArticleOnly 100 Show Up, 15 From Out Of State, For “Big” Rand Paul/Mitch McConnell...
There wasn't any enthusiasm for Senator Mitch McConnell at Monday's rally. The 15 or so young people may or may not be local, as they took off in vans with non-local plates.
View ArticleBad News For McConnell: Heavy Turnout Reported In Kentucky Urban Areas Likely...
Turnout has already hit 20% in some Louisville Kentucky precincts and Kentucky voters are fired up.
View ArticlePost-Racial America: Fire Chief Uses N-Word To Describe Black Family While...
After an auto accident, a Kentucky fire chief refused to help the family of four and told a deputy that was on the scene that he wasn't "taking no n***ers here" while laughing.
View ArticleMitch McConnell Urges Governors To Disobey Federal Law For the Kochs
Speaker John A. Boehner boasted that Republicans primary duty was not to make laws, but eliminate them for their wealthy donors' benefit. Now, the sitting Senate Majority Leader has went a step...
View ArticleRand Paul Is Trying To Fool The Left Into Thinking That He Is Their Friend
The same people that apparently hate the libertarian Koch brothers are looking on Rand Paul as a decent human being; a monumental error one expects moronic Republicans to make, but not anyone on the left.
View ArticleBluegrass Poll Reveals Kentucky Would Be A Tossup Between Hillary And Rand Paul
Hillary Clinton and Rand Paul are tied at 45 percent each in a recent poll of Kentucky voters.
View ArticleContrary To McConnell’s Election Promises, GOP Senate Majority Proves To Be...
Just over six months after winning back the Senate, Mitch McConnell's GOP majority is proving to be more dysfunctional than ever.
View ArticleRand Paul Clears Hurdle: Can Run for Senate and President Says State GOP
Republicans in Kentucky decided that Rand Paul may run for both president and Senate at the same time, but they figure without Donald Trump
View ArticleBigoted Kentucky County Clerk Denies Gay Couple Marriage License A Third Time
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has denied a gay couple a marriage license for the 3rd time.
View ArticleLawless Anti-Gay Kentucky County Clerk Continues To Refuse To Issue Marriage...
Kim Davis continued to refuse to issue marriage licenses on Tuesday morning, a day after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected her appeal.
View ArticleGOP Candidate Matt Bevin Bets On The Bigot Vote In His Bid To Become Kentucky...
Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin has tied his hopes on becoming the state's next governor to being proudly for anti-gay bigotry.
View ArticleA Win for Love and Marriage Equality in Rowan County as Kim Davis Goes to Jail
Deputy clerk Brian did his job on Friday morning, and Rowan County Kentucky began issuing its first marriage
View ArticleHere’s Why You’re an Idiot if You’re a Republican in 2016
Franklin Graham says that by imposing her religion on other people, the Rowan County clerk is "Fighting for religious freedom for all of us"
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